Welcome to East Bergholt – home of John Constable

The village is a historical jewel within the Babergh district, hosting a staggering 75 constable locations and nearly 100 listed buildings.

This site will help tourists, walkers, researchers and of course, local residents learn more about our special village.

What you can find here:

This site allows you to see a map view of the history of the village.

  • Constable Paintings – Interactive guide of constable paintings their locations, historical information and comparisons with today’s views
  • Listed buildings – Interactive maps showing location and details of historic listed buildings
  • Maps – Historical maps though time
  • Stories of note – Historical stories and annotates about locations around the village
  • Local archaeology – Historical finds made in the village
  • Sensitive Areas – Areas of the village of particular interest

Help Using the Site

    • Help! – There’s a lot of information on the site – here’s some help  finding your way around the map