Ref 1 – “East Bergholt Heritage Landscape Study”, Heritage Collective, Nov 2020.

This was an extensive study of nearly 250 pages, developed by the specialist consultancy Heritage Collective UK on behalf of the East Bergholt Parish Council. It was the main inspiration for this website.

The focus of the Study is the relationship between human history and landscape and how this interplay has affected the development of the village. Central to the study are sensitive areas of the village which are now most at risk from the sweeping tide of modern development.

If you live in East Bergholt, or are interested in its history and legacy you will enjoy reading this report. You can download it here by clicking one of the links below. Note that the report is quite large (250 pages) and has been divided into two PDF downloads. The first is the main report, the second is the weightiest of its Appendices (Appendix 6) which includes numerous maps and graphics supporting detailed sections of the report.

Open Heritage Landscape Report PDF

Open Heritage Landscape Appendix 6 PDF


Ref 2 – Another important reference we’ve used for website is John Constable and Flatford.

This site is extremely well researched and provides detailed information on John Constable’s life and work, particularly in respect to the Flatford area. If you want to drill into aspects of John Constable’s life and family, or find out more about the history of Flatford, and the beautiful Stour Valley this is the site to visit.