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Historic Record
Lattinford Hill (Rom)
Metal detector find of bronze coin, AS of Vespasian of AD 71.
Traces small rectilinear enclosure or field system, S of ?Rom road, EBG 002 (S1).
Church, churchyard and separate bell cage of St Mary the Virgin. Possible Domesday minster site.
Earthwork banks 2m high surrounding 55m by 35m enclosed oval area.
Domed lead spindle whorl (S1).
Farm buildings shown on 1880s OS map.
Metal detector find of bronze coin - sestertius of Commodus (AD 180-192), rev illegible, very corroded. Possible Late Saxon decorated bone comb
Human skull found in road widening spoil opposite the Carriers Arms.
Achaeological Site
test 2
Square, flat, bronze (copper? - reddish metal) mount with enamelled front.
Monitoring revealed two small undated pits that contain burnt flint.
Historic Record
Two pits, said to be 4 feet rectangular, circa 22 feet deep.
Mid 19th C Outbuilding - 3 existing compartments: stable, enclosed shed & open shed
1997?: Scatter of Rom pottery (not seen, date?) found with a small lead figurine (metal detected?).
Extensive cropmark pattern of ditches etc, cut by Dead Lane.
Achaeological Site
Area A

Sensitive area archaeologically. At the northern tip of the parish, the site is focussed on the A12 where it follows the line of the ancient Roman road from Colchester to Baylham.  Discoveries on both sides of the modern road include Roman pottery, coins, metal objects and brick fragments. These, together with the remains of timber buildings, indicate the presence of one or more Roman settlements.

Two metal detected coins of Edward IV (1461-1483).
Geophysical survey identified ditch type features, possibly an enclosure and anomalies identified as ploughing activity.
Historic Record
Homestead, Latinford.
Bronze coin of Trajan, samian.
Two 19th century threshing barns.
Metal detector finds of one silver and six bronze coins, a spoon, a box(?) fitting in the form of a cast horses head on a Polden Hill type brooch
Groups of inter-related, curvilinear ditches (S1).
Achaeological Site
Area B

Area B covers Gastons End, one of the satellite hamlets to the medieval village of East Bergholt, bordering a triangular green at the northwestern tip of East Bergholt Heath.

Historic Record
Foxhall Fields (Rom)
Low level of Roman pottery and LMed/PMed tile scatter identified during watching brief.
Archaeology in Suffolk 2016
Historic Record
Ackworth House (Rom)
Roman cremation cemetery and pottery scatter
Timber framed pigeon loft built over Gothic style Victorian kennels, therefore Victorian? 8 ft square, 8 ft above ground.
Historic Record
Foxhall Fields (Rom)
Low level of Roman pottery and LMed/PMed tile scatter identified during watching brief.
Single cropmark feature comprising three linear ditches forming three sides of a rectangle, probably field, possibly rectangular enclosure (S1).
Achaeological Site
Area C

Area C covers a large part of the extensive East Bergholt Heath and played a significant part in the development of the settlement pattern within the parish.