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Sherd, Rom ? Formerly recorded as EBG MISC
19th C granary containing re-used 16th C timbers and a 19th C brick cartshed, shelter shed and cowhouse
1994: Metal detector find of LSax/EMed bronze strap(?) union.
Cropmarks of complex of ice-wedges and linear marks forming former ?field system on different alignments to present system.
Achaeological Site
Area D

Area D is the East Bergholt windmill which played an important part in the development of John Constable as an artist. 

Historic Record
Flatford Dock
Flatford Dry Dock & Barge.
Historic Record
Lattinford Bridge
Settlement area: part.
Historic Record
Old Hall Park
Old Hall Park shown and named on early OS maps as large area to SE of Old Hall (see EBG 023) with numerous trees.
Covers only the village centre, and needs extending to protect the rest of the village!

The East Bergholt Conservation Area encompasses an area of land bordering Gaston Street, The Street and Rectory Hill, between the two main settled parts of the village. The Conservation Area is wholly within the Dedham Vale AONB.

Indicative area of the historic settlement core of East Bergholt.
Ring ditch, circa 30m diameter, open on S side (S1).
Pointed implement in Colchester Museum. Formerly recorded as EBG MISC
Bridge shown on Hodskinsons map of 1783 (S1).
July 1994: Large sherds of Rom pottery recovered during (funded) watching brief for single dwelling at The Meadows, Lattinford Bridge (S1).
Post-medieval and modern features and finds.

The Donkey Track is a long-established footpath which runs northwards from Gandish Road across what was originally the village "heath" or "common".

To the south-west of the track, the undulating land is divided by the Riber stream which continues across Rectory Hill and eventually down to the Stour.

The western boundary is created by the rear of The Old Rectory and properties which face Rectory Hill, The Street, and Gaston Street.

The north-eastern side of the track is distinguished by a 20-year-old woodland at the southern end leading to cultivated fields divided by hedges leading up to Heath Road/Mill Road, the main vehicular route around East Bergholt. The rear of the 1970's Richardson Road estate and the Medical Surgery complex abut the land to the north.

Archaeology in Suffolk 2016
AP of cropmark complex forming rectangular area of small connected enclosures/tofts? (S1).
Metal detector find of blade end of socketed axe from mainly Roman scatter (S1).
Historic Record
Old Hall
Old Hall, formerly St Marys Abbey (founded 1598 in Brussels, moved to East Bergholt circa 1857 until 1974), on site of Hall (R1).
Historic Record
A12; London Road
Length of Rom road, Pye Road, Margary 3c, under existing (mainly A12) roadline.
Historic Record
Manor Farm, East End
Late 19th and 20th century complex of timber-framed and weatherboarded farm buildings.

This section runs from the village centre at the Gaston Street junction, from The Gables* along the western side of Hadleigh Road to the junction with Hughes Road (* The Gables is a listed building which sits in the current Conservation Area).

While the eastern side of the road is not for conservation area consideration, (mainly lined with set-back 20thC and 21stC houses and the school playing field), it does contribute to the attractive natural tree cover that characterizes the road.

Together with the western side, the mature trees create a pleasing “tunnel” effect over the road at all seasons. The tree-lined frontages for historic buildings such as Gatton House and Ackworth House, which are spaced out along the road, with driveway entrances such as the one for the Gattinets business units. Generally, these historic buildings are only partly visible from the road where the vegetation predominates, with no pavement on this side.

At the top Hadleigh Road intersects with Hughes Road and Elm Road, before it continues northwards. Here there is a large open meadow in front of the historic Allens Farmstead, and features the gated drive to the Grade 2* -listed “The Lodge”, which is not really visible from the road.

Moat, unoccupied, wet (on banks of R Stour).
Ring ditch, circa 15m in diameter, with at least one internal feature(?)(S1).
Flint scraper. Formerly recorded as EBG MISC
Historic Record
Flatford Mill
Watermill on River Stour, famed for connections to (and paintings by) John Constable. listed building
Bronze sestertius, possibly of M Aurelius, found metal detecting (S1) within area of Undated field system cropmarks. And a possible dupondius.
A flood defence bank of probable Post-Medieval date is visible on aerial photographs of East Bergholt parish

Flatford itself is a small cluster of buildings on the banks of the River Stour to the south of East Bergholt. It includes the famous Flatford Mill, together with other historic structures such as the lock, the bridge, the Granary, Valley Farmhouse and Willy Lott’s Cottage.

It is served by Flatford Lane on the north side of the river, which runs in a loop from the crossroads at Gandish Road/White Horse Road junction downhill towards the National Trust CarPark, and then uphill to East Bergholt Church.

The area is within the Dedham Vale AONB; with cross-country pedestrian and boat access to Dedham itself. The land for consideration for Conservation Area status also comprises the fields and woods either side of Flatford Lane, and the mill-related properties on the riverside.